Those of you who think there’s some problem with grammar above, hold your horses. I am talking about “Nature Futures” column for sci-fi / futuristic stories and I can treat it as a singular noun, it being a name of the column.
So yeah, it’s been a while since I have talked about Futures on this blog. Not because the stories aren’t great any more, but because it is a weekly routine and after a while, one starts taking things for granted. So what’s special about February 2021, you ask!
Well, the latest story. Not really the story itself, but the author’s inspiration behind it or as Nature calls it “The Story Behind the Story”. That small snippet at the end of the story ends with the sentence “After all, people want what they want, and rarely what they need.”. We have all heard some variant of this sentence at least once in our lifetime but this sentence after this particular story struck some chord and here we are typing (or in your case, reading) away a blog post.
It led me to think what I want. My train of thoughts didn’t seem to go very far and my brain didn’t register a valid response. Then I thought about what I need. Again my train of thoughts resisted motion and my brain frowned at the dullness / stillness / motionlessness of it all. Maybe at the end of the day, I want a need. Or, is it the other way around, I need a want. Or there could be a third option and I may have transcended above all and मोक्ष (moksha) should be ready to receive me sometime soon.
Till then, I leave you with my second (ya, only second in a decade!) full-fledged 360° polorama.