Since the last post, a few interesting things have happened. And you guessed
it: I will list them here and call it a post for the day month.
I have been constantly refining my program AcBook 9.0 over the last couple of months and the code has become more polished, less buggy, a little faster and most importantly, the program behaves as expected most of the times. Also, two more rows of the Widgets setting table are now properly working (which means the work on file data structure is more or less complete for that purpose). The last row still requires a bit more work and will (probably) be activated in the next proper version upgrade. For now the version number stays the same but the release number gets an extra letter, so something like “24B”. [Update(1/7/24): All rows of the Widgets settings table properly work in Release 24C without any proper version upgrade!] Listing out all the minor bugs & improvements & enhancements is not at all worthy of anyone’s time so let me stop here with this topic. Just one more thing: A demo video is now live on YouTube and you can view it in full glory on this webpage.
I saw for the first time a double rainbow in the sky with my own eyes! Well, not really… I noticed the secondary rainbow in the photo I took of the primary rainbow that I was delighted to see in the evening a few days ago. Here is the proof:
I visited the website Anubhuti after a long time! It publishes Hindi poems monthly now (back in the old days, they published weekly!) and the latest collection of poems is on the topic of “Summer”. I mostly read Ghazals which can be found under the section “अंजुमन (Anjuman)” and they didn’t disappoint, especially the last one by Vinita Tiwari. It felt nice… Enjoy!
I wrote a blog post on my ‘Physics blog’ last month about disappointments and failures. If you are interested in that sort of thing…